My Heart Is That Eternal Rose Online Streaming

My Heart Is That Eternal Rose release on 1989 with good rating and has already become top must see movies in almost all movie theaters.
Storyline My Heart Is That Eternal Rose
The triangular relationship between Lap (Joey Wang). Rick (Kenny Bee) and Cheung (Tony Leung) is the backbone of this film. Lap's father was once a triad; he retired and opened a bar near seashore. Rick worked there and was a couple with Lap. Force by an old partner, Lap's father assisted in trafficking of his father, Lap became the mistress of Godfather Shen. Cheung was her driver and loved her deeply. Six years later, Rick became a professional assassinator and returned to Hong Kong for a job. he met Lap, and Lap decided to leave Godfather Shen. Of course Godfather Shen wouldn't let his woman get away from him. Cheung helped them to exile. Lap, Rick and Cheung united to confront Godfather shen and his follwers. A bloody gun battle begin. Could every one survive at the end?Movie details My Heart Is That Eternal Rose
Release : 1989-04-20Genre :
Runtime : 91 minutes
Company :
Wikipedia : Heart Is That Eternal Rose
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Online Streaming (Full Movie) : My Heart Is That Eternal Rose - (HD Quality)
Tony Leung Chiu-Wai | as | Cheung |
Kenny Bee | as | Rick Ma |
Joey Wong | as | Lap |
Michael Chan Wai-Man | as | Godfather Shen |
Gordon Liu Chia-Hui | as | Liu |
Kwan Hoi-San | as | Uncle Cheung |
Ng Man-Tat | as | Inspector Tang |
Gam Lui | as | Law Man-Shing |
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